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Bali is the language of science, also known as the language of the universe. This mathematics has discovered rules and reasons that can solve everything from the smallest matter to the universe. For example – can explain everything from relativity, theory to quantum, mechanics. Through this mathematics, how the universe began can also be said almost exactly. By using this mathematics, people have discovered the theories and formulas of science. Because of this, we can sit anywhere and calculate how the planets of the solar system are rotating or will rotate. Through this, the human spacecraft Voyager-2 crossed the boundary of the solar system. Even images of black holes have been caught in our hands. In one word, our knowledge, science, technology, everything is based on mathematics.

How has mathematics succeeded in explaining the mysteries of the universe with such incredible precision? Why the hands of mathematics, according to the rules of the test to know the explanation of all the strange works of nature? Let me give an example to understand the matter better.

Year 1860 Scottish physicist James Maxwell is the author of four equations called Maxwell’s equations. These four equations formed the basis of everything known about ‘electromagnetism’ until then. Also, Heinrich Haage predicted its existence two centuries before detecting radio waves.

Such an incredible success of mathematics surprised Einstein, the best scientist of all time. He said, the result of human thought, brain-mathematics, which has no connection with any real experience, how is it possible? Nobel laureate physicist Eugene Wigner even wrote a paper in 1960 calling it ‘an irrational form of efficiency in mathematics’.

Today, scientists use simulations to explain future cosmic events in the universe. For example, if the sun becomes a red monster star, will the earth become? Needless to say, the main basis of these simulations is that mathematics. The same question over and over, why? How does mathematics work so incredibly successfully?

If you go a little deeper into this question, you will find another important question. As Einstein said, is mathematics really like that, just some rules invented by the human mind? Or people just discovered its truth. As they understand themselves. Many famous mathematicians, physicists and philosophers have given their opinions and debated over the ages. Meanwhile, physicists like Roger Penrose, the “2020 Nobel laureate in physics,” and influential and important logicians, mathematicians, and analytic philosophers like Kat Gödel think the second truth—mathematics already existed. Humans have only invented it for their own understanding. Which of these is correct? Or are both true? Can the answer to this question be known if the dividing line is crossed through discovery and innovation? Maybe it will go, maybe not?

How can this function of mathematics be naturally divided?
1. direct
2. Indirect
Examples are given :-
Sir Isaac Newton invented calculus to accurately account for the smallest part of a change. However, the main part of his work was accounting. It goes without saying that calculus is a very useful thing in science, especially in various branches of physics. Although this branch of physics was developed to explain the interaction of light and matter.

There are other examples of such unusual near-accurate calculations using mathematical theory. such as cosmic background radiation or cosmic background diffraction values. In 1948, Alpha and Robert Harman proposed an approximate calculation of how much this radiation could be in the cell based on various data. Their estimate was that its value would be 5 degrees Kelvin. It should be noted that the cosmic background radiation had not yet been detected. At that time neither cosmology nor meteorology could stand as this branch of science. Then it’s just a vague idea. But whatever the word of mouth may be, there is no way to call it a legend on paper. The universe is said to have been created by the explosion of a point of infinite density. Ano Penzius and Robert Wilson identified this temperature in 1964. Through their work, cosmology became one of the most important branches of science. The detected value is 2.725 Kelvin. At that time, such a close identification was unthinkable. And these are direct operations of mathematics.

Also the indirect performance of mathematics is more peculiar. Maybe a mathematician has already developed a framework or some rule of reason for mathematics, not for use. Seen after a few ages or a few show years, that surprised everyone. When a physicist examines the results of the research, he sees that this mathematical structure, built without any purpose, looks technically great.

In 1854 Banaud Riemann discovered Riemannian geometry. What branch of non-Euclidean geometry is it? In Euclidean geometry, a parallel straight line means two lines on a plane, which will continue to be parallel at a fixed distance. In non-Euclidean geometry, parallelograms are not planes, but parallel lines. That is, they will not keep equal distance between them forever. At some point they can merge and can also go away. About half a century later Albert Einstein used Riemann’s work as the basis for his theory of general relativity. This is considered as indirect performance of mathematics.

Here is a general idea. Mathematical theory cannot be developed or developed according to any specific purpose. Later it is used in various fields of science. For this reason, most mathematicians believe that since these inventions and inventions are both the product of the human brain, the mathematics we create is as useful as our understanding.

Atiyah is one of the most brilliant mathematicians of the 20th century. He gives an excellent introduction to the role of human perspective in the discovery of mathematical structures. In this context, the German mathematician Leopold has a word. Creator created natural number, and man is responsible for everything. It is good to remember that natural numbers are positive whole numbers like :- 1 2 3 4…….

This is how the mathematical structure is gradually created. Then they went through a series of tests. And those that survive this test are accepted as mathematical theory calculations. For example, the formula for measuring the surface area of ​​a sphere has given accurate results since the time of Archimedes in 250 BC to the present day.

This means that people have chosen mathematical theory for their various needs. Similarly, what kind of mathematical framework will be used for a theory is also decided according to their needs. However, there are many other phenomena in the universe that we do not have a theory to explain.

No matter how people choose their own convenience, the same rules as before the universe will remain. Or he can’t choose. Take for example the speed of light. The speed of light on Earth is the same speed of light anywhere else in the universe. An eclipse 15 billion light-years away anywhere else in the universe would behave the same way. Therefore, the concept of symmetry has been made to explain such things.

The laws of physics show symmetry in space-time relativity. Scientists now hope to find such a universal symmetry mathematical framework.

We started with two questions, is mathematics actually just a brain-made, invented rule? Or it already was. Humans have only discovered its truth to understand themselves. Second, why and how does the use of mathematics show incredible success in predicting the future? We actually know the first of these answers. Mathematics is actually a wonderful couplet of discovery and invention. Humans have invented all of these trends, but they have evolved because everything necessary for these ideas to come true was waiting to be discovered in nature.

The second answer is more complicated. Because people can accept or reject something according to their own needs. If a thing did not exist in the universe, without the fundamental laws of nature already operating in the universe, we could not explain anything using arbitrary mathematics. So the question comes, why do these basic principles exist? People don’t really know the answer, or maybe they will know in the future.

In about 200 years, humans have come so far that we can only hope to know the answer.

Author :- Md. Ibrahim Hossain Emon (University of Science and Technology)
Source :- Scientific American, Wikipedia.

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